Ben Bernanke (prints the money)
Rahm Emmanuel (still involved nationally behind the scenes)
Barack Obama (transfers money to his ethnicity, especially encouraging more Mulatto offspring)
George Bush (enabled housing boom and bust)
Here is the beginning of locating State Level Squids --
Minnesota: Bring in Somali Refugees in order to bring in funding from Barack Obama and to "Transform" Minnesota
Read this:
"To qualify as a refugee, there is a process. The U.S. State Department ultimately decides where refugees will live, but it has to do with the voluntary agencies, called VOLAGS, that contract with the State Department.
Minnesota has very active ones like Lutheran Social Services, Catholic Charities, and World Relief Minnesota. Those agencies agree to help the refugees get settled, to learn English, find housing, get health care, and begin a new life."
Lutheran Social Services - NAMES TO COME
Catholic Charities - NAMES TO COME
World Relief Minnesota- NAMES TO COME